STTAR Accomplishments
We are a premier academy dedicated to professional development of educators through new-age pedagogy

National Teachers’ Olympiad – 2025

National Students’ Olympiad – 2025

Global Conference




School Enrichment Programme
Distinctive Features

Training Modules with components of cutting-edge pedagogy

Programmes with specific goals for value addition to your profession

Best National & International Facilitators
Indian and global trainers, academics & experts of repute

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STTAR Self-Paced Learning Courses Are Empowering Teachers

Learning that accords flexibility of time and place has a distinct appeal, especially for the professionals entrenched in hectic daily routines and the demands of work-life balance. This holds true particularly for teachers who, given the rapid advances in pedagogy and technology, have to continually upskill and reskill themselves without putting their daily commitments on standby.
STTAR Self-Paced Learning Courses for Teachers
To meet this need, STTAR Self-Paced Learning Courses For Teachers have been conceptualized and created by Saamarthya Teachers Training Academy of Research (STTAR), India’s premier teacher training institute….
STTAR Self-Paced Learning Courses Are Empowering Teachers
Learning that accords flexibility of time and place has a distinct appeal, especially for the professionals entrenched in hectic daily routines and the demands of work-life balance. This holds true particularly for teachers who, given the rapid advances in pedagogy and technology, have to continually upskill and reskill themselves without putting their daily commitments on standby.
STTAR Self-Paced Learning Courses for Teachers
To meet this need, STTAR Self-Paced Learning Courses For Teachers have been conceptualized and created by Saamarthya Teachers Training Academy of Research (STTAR), India’s premier teacher training institute….
People love learning with STTAR
उत्तर प्रदेश सरकार द्वारा सामर्थ्य शिक्षक प्रशिक्षण अकादमी ऑफ रिसर्च (STTAR), गाजियाबाद के सहयोग से आयोजित किए जाने वाले एक दिवसीय आईसीटी प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम ने शिक्षकों में एक नई ऊर्जा का संचार किया है। पूरी STTAR टीम को जनपद मुरादाबाद के सभी शिक्षकों की तरफ से बहुत बहुत आभार एवम धन्यवाद। आशा है कि इसी प्रकार के इन्नोवेटिव प्रशिक्षण भविष्य में भी होते रहें।
We had a dedicated STTAR session on Information and Communications Technology for all our teachers. The salient points covered by the trainer helped everyone clearly understand the importance of ICT in bridging the digital divide and making education equally accessible to all.
I would highly recommend STTAR trainings to anyone in search of high-quality early childhood education trainings for the educators. After all, Teacher learning or training is a continuous never-ending process.
Your online teacher’s training is very useful for teachers as well as for students. It is different from traditional teacher’s training course. It is based on techniques which help teachers to communicate effectively and confidently to students in front of video camera which engage students effectively.
I have attended few workshops by Saamarthaya teachers training Academy of Research and the workshops are well planned and professionally delivered. I strongly feel that these types of sessions help teachers to upgrade and professionally equipped.
I have quite a few friends who are teachers and they have suggested that I visit STTAR and register to the Developmental Psychology module to give my teaching career a much needed value addition. I believe that my commitment to the Jaipuria Academy is going to be fully justified.
I attended the training module on Personal Effectiveness at STTAR. This course has helped me a lot by offering me the opportunity to adopt latest communication techniques and learning styles. I find myself more effective in connecting with students, parents and also other teachers.
An exciting introduction to innovative instructional strategies and the latest pedagogical practices. Communicating with other Sr teachers helped me internalize the theory and apply it to practice. The latest teaching practices that I mastered have helped me to ensure suitable learning outcomes for my students.
Towards the third week of March 2020, life was suddenly thrown out of gear with a Nationwide Lockdown due to the Pandemic. Everyone was lost and life came to a standstill. However, the teaching fraternity rose to the occasion and took the challenge of teaching their students online. It wasn’t easy but all the teachers, young and middle-aged, quickly learnt and adapted to the new normal.
STTAR offers all-inclusive learning opportunities with global education experts to enable schools and educators to up-skill their teaching practices and share their learning with others. Their endeavor has been to bring ‘quality teaching’ to every classroom through their workshops and curated resources and provide opportunities to accomplished educators to take their expertise to educators
STTAR is synonymous with constant learning. Each workshop is filled with excitement, curiosity and a sense of purpose. Highly qualified and passionate trainers. Their continuous passion, undying rigor and ability to keep every participant engaged is remarkable. STTAR builds skills, most crucial to one’s growth and enriches our work performance and sets us on the path of great careers.
The education system has metamorphosed itself to meet the demands of the community. Thanks to STTAR for bringing forth eminent educationists who have helped the teacher community to redesign their thought processes and remodel strategies to ensure effective outcomes. Thank you STTAR!!
STTAR has been imperative in adding a lot of value to my professional development. All the sessions that I have attended till date have been beyond my expectations, interesting, and at the same time very engaging.
Thank you and all the best!
Sessions organised by STTAR on every Saturday of the week have proved to be a great source of enrichment and wisdom, therefore, these sessions are in a way, the most awaited slots we all look forward to attend eagerly and in all earnest. Here,I would specifically like to mention the training program on Child Safety and Protection, which actually felt like an eye opener for all of us.
It has been an amazing journey during this one year with STTAR. In the time of pandemic it taught us how to persevere in difficulty. Each session motivated me to do better than the day before, with my students using the new technological tools and methodologies. All webinars and training sessions were excellent which really made me pause and revisit my teaching and classroom management strategies

People love learning with STTAR
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