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Teacher Training modules offered at STTAR – Part 3

We, at STTAR, recognize the growing need for teacher training in accordance with the changing needs of the society and future workforce. To be able to teach the students, we first need to train the teachers with effective skills.

STTAR Teacher training modules have been thoroughly researched and planned to bring about a gradual shift in the mindsets and competencies of teachers and to empower them in imparting quality education.

We’ll be discussing the various teacher training modules offered by STTAR in a 3 blog series. Here’s the last one talking about the 9th to 12thmodules. The duration of these teacher training modules is 4 hours for online training and 14 hours for offline training.


In order to develop a vision for world-class education, teachers must stay abreast of evolving trends in their areas of expertise. The latest subject-specific pedagogical processes are introduced with relevant case studies and strategies to improve content delivery and augment student learning.

Teachers attending these subject-specific training programs will develop expertise in their respective subject areas by learning about the latest pedagogical processes used for curriculum transaction.


It is a process of Empathizing with someone or process and identifying the problem that can be defined by asking a set of questions for better understanding. Once the problem is well-understood students can develop problem-solving skills to come up with a variety of solutions. These solutions can be critically analyzed to zero down on some of the best possible solutions. These best options can be converted into prototype solutions. The end users can then give feedback after the deployment of prototype solutions as to how they feel it works better. This whole process is iterative in nature and can become a part of the working styles of students and in due course of society for long term benefit.


The leadership training program is designed to create an opportunity for Mid-to-senior level leaders to gain a true understanding of their own leadership style and to sketch out a clear path to achieve set goals.

The content is thoroughly researched with a focus on certain attributes that will enhance their skills and aspire them to unlock their true potential. Participants attending this training program will experience positive changes related to self-resiliency, influence, communication, and greater self-awareness.


"Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim, and end of human existence.” -Aristotle

Human beings aspire to be happy. With this purpose, every action of our life is aimed towards acquiring happiness. We experience happiness when we feel satisfied with the sense that one's life is good, meaningful, and worthwhile.

In this increasingly competitive world, we need to prepare our children with core life abilities which are not only critical to their growth but also directly correlate to their success and happiness.

The prime objective of the Happiness module is to shed light on the true nature and dynamics of Happiness. The course is enriched with powerful guiding principles and universally applicable teachings from sacred texts to groom mindful, aware and awakened individuals who will be productively engaged with their network of family, friends, and workplaces.


Teacher Training modules offered at STTAR – Part 2

In order to stay at the top of their game, it is crucial for teachers to train themselves and schools/institutions to impart training to their teachers at regular intervals. Continuous teacher training is extremely important for educational excellence, as a teacher is the one in charge of making/helping students learn and benefit or suffer from the quality of his/her teaching.

We, at STTAR, recognize the growing need for teacher training in accordance with the changing needs of the society and future workforce. To be able to teach the students, we first need to train the teachers with effective skills.

STTAR Teacher training modules have been thoroughly researched and planned to bring about a gradual shift in the mindsets and competencies of teachers and to empower them in imparting quality education.

We’ll be discussing the various teacher training modules offered by STTAR in a 3 blog series. Here’s the second one talking about the 5-8th modules. The duration of these teacher training modules is 4 hours for online training and 14 hours for offline training.


Effective classroom management creates an environment for learning and leads to, social and academic success. The focus during these modules will be to develop skills and techniques to enable teachers to manage their classrooms and lead to congenial classes that maximize student learning.

Participants attending this training program will gain insight into a wide variety of skills and techniques needed to manage their classrooms effectively while ensuring meaningful engagement in the teaching and learning process.


In a world where students are digital natives, teachers must be abreast of technology and can use it to enhance the teaching-learning process. The use of relevant tools and digital aids will be covered during the course of this module.

Participants attending this training program will stay up-to-date with the latest educational technology.


Besides being an effective classroom practitioner, a teacher has to work with parents, colleagues, and society at large. To ensure efficacy in the varied roles, modules on action research, positive parenting, counseling, and other relevant/important areas will be dealt with.

Participants attending this training program will be motivated to work towards their own effectiveness that will enhance their professional capacity, performance, creativity, and interpersonal communication as successful teachers.


This module will help enhance teacher effectiveness and build capacity as good communication is critical/crucial for teaching-learning. It is only through effective communication that a teacher can be creative and give effective solutions to the students.

Participants attending this training program will acquire knowledge and practical information in communication techniques and learning styles.

With pedagogical shifts in the education teacher, the role of a teacher is no longer limited to simply provide information. With evolving times, teaching has become an evolving skill and a teacher needs to keep on learning like a student and their practice and learning should go hand-in-hand. The impact of well-trained teachers on the students and the world is huge; therefore, it is pertinent for schools to invest immensely and periodically in the development and training of their teachers.


Teacher Training Modules Offered at STTAR – Part 1

Learning is a continuous process and the knowledge providers and the teachers need to enhance their teaching skills, develop new proficiencies, and master new knowledge which in turn will help improve students' learning and development.

We, at STTAR, recognize the growing need for teacher training in accordance with the changing needs of the society and future workforce. To be able to teach the students, we first need to train the teachers with effective skills.

STTAR Teacher training modules have been thoroughly researched and planned to bring about a gradual shift in the mindsets and competencies of teachers and to empower them in imparting quality education.

We’ll be discussing the various teacher training modules offered by STTAR in a 3 blog series. Here’s the first one talking about the first four modules. The duration of these teacher training modules is 4 hours for online training and 14 hours for offline training.


This teacher training module deals with the principles and helps create a framework for the teaching-learning process with the teacher and the taught at the heart of it all.  Reflection is an integral part of the whole process.

In addition to imparting essential competencies and skills for curriculum and content development, this training segment also emphasizes on 21st-century skills and lays stress on student’s cognitive and socio-emotional development.

Teachers undergoing this training program will acquire the requisite skills for imparting the program as mentioned above.


This teacher training modulefocusses on various innovative instructional strategies that will equip teachers with requisite knowledge and skills. The aim here is to ensure that teachers can establish suitable learning outcomes for students with varying abilities. Implementation of creative pedagogies will not only meet the individual student’s needs but also encourage them to take responsibility for their own learning.

Teachers undergoing this training program will be equipped with the latest pedagogical practices.


We provide well-constructed assessment strategies and tools to teachers so that they get authentic feedback for more effective instruction. It will help them to assess evidence of learning against clearly defined outcomes.These assessment strategies will help charter student progress and give a clear picture of students meeting educational goals and standards.

Participants attending this training program will be equipped with various assessment tools that provide productive learning opportunities and evoke exemplary pedagogies.


Students learn in diverse ways and have varying needs. Understanding the learner and using the research available on developmental psychology will help address the needs of the individual as well as the cohort of learners. This module is vital as it deepens the teacher’s own awareness of the teaching-learning process, learning goals, and milestones.

This course will fortify child psychology-centric pedagogy in classrooms that help teachers in mapping the social and emotional development of students which are fundamentally linked to academic progress.

The power of transforming lives lies in the hands of Teachers and therefore, it is crucial that teachers are not just told what to teach but how to teach. Before they enter the classroom, and throughout their time in the classroom, it is pertinent that we should focus on their learning and development as much as we focus on the learning and development of the pupils.


How is STTAR different from other teacher training academies in the market?

“The quality of education cannot exceed the quality of its teachers” – OECD Mc Kinsey report 2007

In this fast-changing world and especially with the outbreak of COVID-19, the education structure is changing rapidly and drastically. With this, the role of teachers is also undergoing massive shifts. With a massive revolution in knowledge and interactive technologies shaping the learning environment, teachers must learn to craft young minds with much care and ingenuity for their wholesome development. Keeping this in mind, Saamarthya Teachers Training Academy of Research (STTAR) has been set up to equip educators with effective strategies and skills to adapt to the frequent shifts in the education landscape.

Furthermore, competent and effective teachers are the cornerstones of an outstanding education system and online STTAR Teacher Training Programme aims to provide stimulating, nurturing, and learning environment where teachers can discover their passion and keep in step with the dynamic world of innovation in education. At the same time, we ensure that values and practices which have withstood the test of time are further strengthened and we hope to create an enduring legacy.

STTAR Teacher Training Programme is set to be a premier institute that will enable educators to meet the global requirements of the profession by developing competencies based on extensive research on all aspects of education.

We equip teachers and leaders of schools with the skills and proficiencies required to create meaningful student learning experiences by developing professional expertise founded on scholarly inquiry, design thinking, and research. It has set up top-performing educational institutions in all verticals from KG to PG. The core strength of schools and colleges lies in the quality of teachers who are constantly encouraged and groomed to perform to their highest potential.

The group has set up an independent Teaching and learning structure that regularly engages with teachers at all levels and guides them in the areas of curriculum progression & alignment, effective teaching strategies, structured digital lesson plans, classroom observation, and also identifies specific training needs of individual teachers.

Based upon long years of experience, we have identified some core areas that are in line with the global trends, thus equipping teachers with requisite skills and resourcefulness to faces challenges of the fast-paced education world.

Some of the salient features of STTAR that set us apart from other teacher training academies in the market are:-

  1. Project-based learning - Educators are introduced to the pedagogical aspects of Project-based learning and their applications in the classroom. They are provided with tools that will facilitate creative lesson planning leading to student-driven activities that establish effective collaboration among students. They will be equipped to deliver experiential and stimulation activities to foster an entrepreneurial approach in learners.
  2. Constructivist Approach - Educators will learn techniques to guide students in adopting higher-order cognition such as knowledge construction, concept acquisition, systematic decision making, and evaluative thinking. Instructors are encouraged to adopt strategies for scaffolding instruction that will help students in activating their previous knowledge and improving their critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
  3. Assessment-based modules - Effective learning is promoted through assessment based modules, where there are measurable indices in place to assess the integration of knowledge gained. The focus is on assessment techniques that will enable educators to make informed decisions and enhance student learning. This will provide educators with useful feedback to improve instruction and students to assess their own learning.
  4. Empowerment with technology-based pedagogy - Educators are trained to create personalized, creative, and accessible learning experiences for students by connecting pedagogy with technology. They are guided on how to integrate digital tools into content in engaging learning experiences. Teachers can utilize technology to produce data patterns to identify the areas where students are faltering so that they can intervene with targeted coaching immediately.

STTAR’s online Teacher Training Programme has adopted an eclectic approach and draws upon the best practices from across the globe. Each training module has been thoroughly researched and planned to bring about a gradual shift in the mindsets and competencies of teachers to empower them in imparting quality education which sets us apart from other teacher training academies.


Jaipuria School of Business launches Saamarthya Teachers Training Academy of Research

Jaipuria School of Business, one of the top PGDM Institutes in Delhi-NCR, approved by AICTE Ministry of HRD, Government of India has announced the launch of Saamarthya Teachers Training Academy of Research (STTAR). The zoom launch of STTAR online teacher training academy will take place on July 15th, 2020 from 1:30 PM to 3 PM in the benign presence of Shri Dinesh Sharma- Deputy CM, Uttar Pradesh;  Smt Aradhana Shukla-  Additional Chief Secretary, Deptt of secondary education, Govt. of UP & Mr. Anurag Tripathy, CBSE Secretary among other dignitaries.

With the ongoing pandemic affecting the education sector, teachers have adopted the online medium to ensure continuous learning. The role of teachers is undergoing a subtle and distinct transformation from knowledge bearers to Facilitators, delivering, and generating high-quality content and new-age appropriate skills.

They need to be constantly exposed and trained on the latest trends and tools of quality education. Hence, STTAR online teaching training academy has been launched with the vision of becoming a premier teacher training institute that will enable educators to meet the global requirements of the profession by developing competencies based on extensive research in all aspects of education.

STTAR online teacher training academy is all set to regularly engage with teachers at all levels and guide them in areas like curriculum progression and alignment, effective teaching strategies, content development, structural planning, and classroom observation. The academy is backed by some of the prominent names in the education landspace such as Shri Shishir Jaipuria - Chairman, Seth Anandram Jaipuria Group of Educational Institutions, Mr. Anil Swaroop - Ex-Secretary to Gov of India, Mrs. Abha Adams – Sr Educationist, Mr. Ken Joshua - Educationist cum Scientist, Ms. Saritha Mathur - Sr Educationist among other members.

STTAR offers over 12 modules ranging across developmental psychology, personal effectiveness, leadership, happiness, assessment strategies, communication skills, ICT, and design thinking. Each module has been thoroughly researched and planned to bring about a gradual shift in the mindset and competency of teachers to empower them in imparting quality education. The STTAR online teacher training academy adopts an eclectic approach and draws upon the best practices from across the globe. STTAR also takes up training need analysis of teachers and the institution and is equipped to provide comprehensive customized training programs on a participative basis.


Relevance of Teachers’ Training

Frontiers of knowledge are vast, infinite and endless. They are somewhat like the horizon which appears close, but as you move towards it, it leaps several miles ahead of you. You keep repeating this process and the real horizon (It does not exist and is only an optical illusion) will continue to elude you. You stand on a beach with the ocean of knowledge lying in front of you. Drink as much water of knowledge that you can assimilate, and yet you will remain thirsty, literally and metaphorically.

There is something very curiously strange about the anatomy of knowledge, indeed of truth.  Paradoxically speaking, more you know, more you realize how little you know. In this context, it will be interesting to quote great Greek (Athenian) philosopher  of Fifth century BC,  also credited with setting up the first institution of higher learning.

"I am the wisest man living alive, for I know one thing, and that is that I know nothing."

Knowledge must also necessarily bring great humility, or it can lead to intellectual arrogance and that is a potential cause of fast decline. Humility therefore is the first attribute of a good teacher. It would not be an exaggeration to state that teaching is counted as one of the noblest professions in the world and it is not difficult to find the rationale behind this statement.

A teacher constantly remains in the state of Giving. He or she gives away and in this case knowledge, which is perhaps the priceless possession any individual can possess. There would be very few disciplines where you are constantly sharing and giving. This becomes an instrument of empowerment which helps a person to live a meaningful and respectable life.

Ideally, a teacher is imparting, knowledge, information and teaching several skills to the students, by actually demonstrating and validating the statement that are made about any phenomenon, essential for enhancing knowledge. The most important and indeed, the most relevant question that becomes evident is the extent of knowledge possessed by the teacher herself. A teacher will be in a position to give only what he or she knows, or has in her possession-in this case knowledge and skills. Nobody can give more that what one has.

This is where relevance of training in the life of teachers assumes importance. She is dealing with the business of education, and perhaps specializes in a few disciplines out of vast and multiple areas of educational landscape.  It is also well known that the world of education is extremely dynamic in nature and is constantly evolving. While some principles and concepts, including some historical facts may not change, new discoveries and fast technological changes bring about a new perspective both on the content as well as on pedagogical methods. The global connect today, facilitated by digital technology has only broadened the scope and access to several changing paradigms, relating to education at all levels, literally from kindergarten to higher level of learning.

The children today, because of an easy and direct access to several knowledge portals, are better informed and are known to challenge the knowledge quotient of the teacher, if she is not adequately informed or prepared. The teacher in the present era has to acquire deep versatility, and this has to reflect in her domain knowledge, innovative pedagogy, adroitness in class management and above all an empathetic mindset.  Initial training that a teacher may have acquired before induction is not adequate, and it is absolutely mandatory that each member of this glorious tribe, takes a brief sabbatical for 10-15 days in a year, to brush up her knowledge and learn a few new skills to remain relevant.

 A periodic immersion in areas like, personal effectiveness, development psychology, classroom management, project based teaching, assessment strategies  is absolutely imperative for a teacher to deliver the best. Teacher is also required, in the present scenario to shift focus from his or her teaching, to learning by the students.

Commitment and complete dedication is essential in all professions and one has to perform to the best of one's capacity. This capacity has to be enhanced on a regular intervals. A teacher should take the profession of teaching as a matter of personal conscious choice, and not as another job for a living.

You have to believe in yourself, be passionate about teaching and continue to remain engaged in a lifelong pursuit of knowledge and its application.

A great teacher who is fondly remembered by her students, well after they have left the school is also happiness personified. She makes learning a matter of joy. This art she has to learn on her own.

Academic Council, STTAR


Refund Policy :-

If a candidate has made payment for a training session in advance and applies for refund one week before the training, 100% payment will be refunded. If the refund request is received 3 days before the training, 50% payment will be refunded. No refund then after will be entertained.

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The data / information collected by STTAR as a part of registration details, will not be used for any purpose other than the brand promotion of STTAR.

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